Installment 4: Is Your Financial Advisor Working Against Systemic Racism?
At Adasina, all of our work is done in community, including with communities inside of the investment and financial world. Today, I’m happy to showcase the work of two of our finance…
Installment 2: Do our investment defaults fund systemic racism?
By: Rachel J. Robasciotti, Robasciotti & Philipson and Sonya Dreizler, Consultant This article is part two of a series about race and racism in financial services. The full series can be read…
Installment 1: Reckoning With Our History
Written by Renee Morgan, Social Justice Strategist This article is part one of a series about race and racism in financial services. The full series can be read here. The United…
Shareholder Activism as a Strategy to Advance Racial Equity
In Forbes, Rachel Robasciotti shared about our Social Justice Investing strategy, and how investors can use “Shareholder Activism As A Strategy To Advance Racial Equity.” Please note that our social justice…
How To ‘De-carcerate’ A Portfolio interviewed Rachel Robasciotti about how investors can commit to racial justice beyond divesting from the biggest owners of private prisons.
Using the Tools of Climate Investing to Battle Injustice
Rachel Robasciotti spoke to Bloomberg Green about “Using the Tools of Climate Investing to Battle Injustice,” to highlight the importance of solidarity within financial services and how Adasina uses divestment as a…
Stop Funding Systemic Racism. This List Can Help.
Want to work for racial justice? Organize, protest, vote, and spend with intention. And stop giving your investment dollars to companies that exacerbate racial inequities. When publicly traded companies employ these practices,…