Actions Speak Loudest
The impact that one individual investor can make is meaningful. But the impact of many, working alongside one another with access to the right resources – has the power to change the world.
Our strategic investor campaigns focus on the areas of Racial, Gender, Economic, and Climate justice. Each one is powered by one or more offerings in our Adasina Investor Organizing Toolkit: resources developed with our Social Justice Partners to inform, mobilize, and support members of our Adasina Community.
Investor Organizing Toolkit
Investor Statements allow the Adasina Community to take a collective, public stance against systemic injustices. Developed with Adasina’s social justice partners, Investor Statements define and outline actionable steps investors and publicly traded companies can take toward policies that seek to reform and eliminate systemic inequities. See all of our Investor Statements here.
Adasina works with Social Justice Partners to create and release data about the behavior of publicly-traded companies. We partner with social justice organizations to identify the metrics investors can use to advance social justice movement goals. Where relevant data does not already exist, we work closely with Social Justice Partners to create a new dataset. We then publicize the dataset, integrate it into our own portfolios, and organize investors to influence companies and governments to change harmful practices that contribute to systemic injustice. Explore our Investor Datasets here.
By leveraging our voice in the media and across our investor networks, Adasina seeks to uplift the needs and insights of our social justice partners across the industry, ensuring that investors learn about the most relevant levers of change for social justice. Explore our Thought Leadership here.
Adasina's Strategic Investor Campaigns
OUR MISSION: To uproot systems that reinforce, perpetuate, and exacerbate racial inequities. We educate investors on the risks posed by racial injustice in the public markets and mobilize investors to discourage companies from participating in racially unjust systems.
As a Black-owned company, Adasina’s involvement in this sector is extensive and multi-faceted. In June 2020, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, we publicly released our entire dataset of our Racial Justice Investor Dataset so others could access this important data. This list made national headlines in the New York Times, Bloomberg, the Financial Times, and Financial Planning Magazine, among others.
Investor Statement
As a leading member of Racial Justice Investing (RJI) coalition, Adasina co-created the Investor Statement of Solidarity to Address Systemic Racism and Call to Action. Read the Investor Statement here.
Investor Dataset
Our Racial Justice Investor Dataset includes companies that contribute to systemic racism, including prison involvement, money bail, surveillance, and other practices. View our full Racial Justice Investor Dataset here.
Thought Leadership
We raise awareness of systemic racial inequities through national media placements and our ongoing Race in Finance series. We also serve as a leading voice in support of racial equity within the financial industry contributing critical resources and insights throughout our networks. Find examples of our Thought Leadership here.
OUR MISSION: To uproot systems that deprive women, LGBTQ+, and gender-expansive people of safe and fair opportunities in the workplace and in society. We educate investors on the risks posed by gender injustice in the public markets and mobilize investors to discourage companies from participating in those unjust systems.
In 2019, Adasina created the Force the Issue Campaign to end forced arbitration for sexual harassment claims. Forced arbitration has been shown to favor employers over harassment survivors and silence the victims, creating a culture of acceptance of sexual harassment in the workplace.
So far, this coalition has effectively persuaded 300 publicly traded companies to publicly disavow the use of forced arbitration policies for sexual harassment claims. Over 10 million workers now know that they can take a workplace harasser/abuser to court. For more information, click here.
Investor Statement
As a leader of the #ForcetheIssue Campaign, Adasina created the Investor Statement in Support of Ending Forced Arbitration for Sexual Harassment Claims. Investors representing more than $54 billion have signed the letter. Read the Investor Statement here.
Investor Dataset
Adasina works with investors representing $54 billion in assets, as well as consumer activism group Grab Your Wallet Alliance (GYWA), and the workplace equity data group LedBetter, to create a public database that dynamically captures whether or not corporations require employees to sign forced arbitration agreements for sexual harassment claims. View our Sexual Harassment Investor Dataset (2019 - 2022) here.
Thought Leadership
The campaign’s success has been featured in publications including the Washington Post, Wharton Dollars & Change Podcast, Wealth Management, and CNBC, and publicly supported by a wide range of gender justice leaders, including Gretchen Carlson, Alyssa Milano, and Ellen K. Pao. Find examples of our Thought Leadership here.
OUR MISSION: To create a fair, sustainable, and equitable financial future for all people and communities. We educate investors on the risks posed by economic injustice in the public markets and mobilize investors to discourage companies from participating in economically unjust systems.
Adasina and One Fair Wage founded Investors for Livable Wages to demand payment of livable wages and eliminating poverty wages.
Investor Statement
As a leader of Investors for Livable Wages, Adasina created the “Investor Statement in Support of Ending the Subminimum Wage.” Investors representing more than a Trillion have signed the letter. Read the Investor Statement here.
Investor Dataset
Our Subminimum Wage Investor Dataset includes companies that fail to pay the legally-mandated minimum wage to their employees, contributing to increased poverty and economic injustice. View the Subminimum Wage Investor Dataset here.
Thought Leadership
Campaign resources empower stakeholders (i.e., workers, investors, and consumers) to make informed choices and leverage their power to change corporate behavior. Find examples of our Thought Leadership here.
OUR MISSION: To create a safe, healthy, and sustainable planet for all people and communities. We educate investors on the risks posed by climate injustice in the public markets and mobilize investors to discourage companies from participating in environmentally unjust systems.
As part of Adasina’s Extractive Agriculture Campaign, we initiated multiple convenings with social justice partners to learn how best to invest at the intersection of racial justice and climate change. By lifting up the voices of leaders in progressive movements for racial and climate justice, we found a compelling connection between the two – the devastating impact of the industrial agriculture system on the planet, particularly in communities of color across the globe.
Investor Statement
Adasina created the "Investor Statement in Support of Ending Extractive Agriculture" to urge companies to end the harmful practices of extractive agriculture, both to foster a more sustainable, just, and equitable future for all, and in the direct interests of their shareholders and the broader economy. Read the Investor Statement here.
Investor Dataset
Our Extractive Agriculture Investor Dataset includes companies that substantially contribute to climate change in ways that disproportionately impact poor communities and people of color through participation in extractive agriculture. The Hewlett Foundation has sponsored the completion of this dataset and investor organizing via a grant to Adasina and our partners. Public version of this data was recently published.
Thought Leadership
As part of our Extractive Agriculture initiative, Adasina initiates regular convenings with social justice partners to learn how best to invest at the intersection of racial justice and climate change. We are committed to sharing this information, as it becomes available, with our Adasina investment community. Find examples of our Thought Leadership here and read our Issue Brief here.
The Adasina Project
The Adasina Project is our non-profit vehicle for change, dedicated to structuring and maintaining a bridge between impacted communities and investors in financial markets.

Why did we create the Adasina Project?
Our social justice partners require financial support to sustain their movement-critical work. Through our collaboration with Full Spectrum Labs, the Adasina Project can direct or designate funds to partner organizations critical to advancing movement goals, providing investors another avenue for supporting impacted communities.
To donate, follow the link below and list "Adasina Project Foundation" as the recipient fund.