3 Questions Investors with Social Justice Values Should Ask Their Advisor
In the last few years, sustainable and impact investing have become increasingly popular as investors seek investments that reflect their personal values. A variety of products and services that appeal to those…
Adasina Statement on the Texas Abortion Ban
We know that when you invest in Adasina strategies, you do so because you want investments that support your social justice values. Adasina strategies are built so that, as social justice issues…
Banks, tech firms and wealth managers fail ESG screen (Financial Planning)
“Despite many public pronouncements of support for the Black Lives Matter movement from major consumer banks, they’re still providing loans to private prison companies.” Read the full article from Financial Planning about…
Racial Justice & Investing- A Year in Review
In the summer of 2020, we first publicized our Racial Justice Investor Dataset – a list of public companies that fail to meet Adasina’s Racial Justice Investment Criteria. The reach of that…
Resources from Morningstar’s “Closing the Gap: Building Black Dollars”
“In a recent YouTube event, “Closing the Gap: Building Black Dollars,” financial professionals Brian Thompson and Rachel J. Robasciotti joined Morningstar associate editor Keith Reid-Cleveland and behavioral researcher Michael F. Thompson to put…
“Building Black Dollars” Morningstar Roundtable
Rachel Robasciotti spoke on the role of asset managers in Building Black Dollars at a recent Morningstar Roundtable. Watch the recorded conversation here. For more info about the Adasina ETF, visit adasinaetf.com.

How Investors Can End Forced Arbitration for Sexual Harassment (Event Recording from 3/25)
In March 2021 we announced that Force The Issue’s database had expanded to include data for over 3,500 companies, indicating the status of their practice of forced arbitration for sexual harassment. To…
New Gender Justice Investor Data Available from Force The Issue
By: Rachel J. Robasciotti, Founder & CEO Ending forced arbitration for sexual harassment is a critical step in creating more safe and inclusive workplaces and advancing gender, racial, and economic justice. Forced…
Are You Unknowingly Investing In Private Prisons?
JSTC was featured in recent Forbes article “Are You Unknowingly Investing In Private Prisons?” as a values-aligned fund that invests in racial justice.
The Time Is NOW to End the Subminimum Wage
By: Renee Morgan, Social Justice Strategist What is a Subminimum wage? A “subminimum wage” is a wage that is less than the state or federal mandated minimum wage. Federal law allows companies…