Can You Hold My Attention feat. Rachel Robasciotti
Rachel Robasciotti talked with Derek Bruton on an episode of “Can You Hold My Attention” about Adasina’s public equities strategy and why we partner with “ organizations that are by and for…

How Investors Can End Forced Arbitration for Sexual Harassment (Event Recording from 3/25)
In March 2021 we announced that Force The Issue’s database had expanded to include data for over 3,500 companies, indicating the status of their practice of forced arbitration for sexual harassment. To…
Emerging Managers Seeing Opportunities In ETF Popularity
Emerging Manager Monthly featured Adasina and JSTC, illustrating how ETFs can provide an opportunity for emerging managers to more easily access investment capital.
Doing the work with Rachel Robasciotti
Rachel Robasciotti spoke with Josh Brown on his nationally-recognized podcast, the Refromed Broker, about her story and how to pursue social justice in financial markets. Listen to the full episode here.
The Time Is NOW to End the Subminimum Wage
By: Renee Morgan, Social Justice Strategist What is a Subminimum wage? A “subminimum wage” is a wage that is less than the state or federal mandated minimum wage. Federal law allows companies…
A New Manager Selection Process for Increased Diversity
Rachel Robasciotti’s recent Morningstar article, “A New Manager Selection Process for Increased Diversity,” speaks to how “the current asset-manager evaluation process only exacerbates existing inequities in financial services” and what advisors can…