Barclays Drops Its Role as Lead Underwriter in Prison Bond Sale
Barclays recently “Drop[ed] Its Role as Lead Underwriter in Prison Bond Sale” as a result of pressure from investors, including Adasina and the Racial Justice Investing Coalition. “You’ve already taken the stance,…
Can You Hold My Attention feat. Rachel Robasciotti
Rachel Robasciotti talked with Derek Bruton on an episode of “Can You Hold My Attention” about Adasina’s public equities strategy and why we partner with “ organizations that are by and for…
Adasina feat. in New Documentary
$avvy is a new documentary that explores why it’s critical for women to understand and take control of their personal finances and includes exclusive interviews with Rachel Robasciotti. $avvy is now premiering…
Emerging Managers Seeing Opportunities In ETF Popularity
Emerging Manager Monthly featured Adasina and JSTC, illustrating how ETFs can provide an opportunity for emerging managers to more easily access investment capital.