Adasina Social Justice All Cap Global ETF

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Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. There is no guarantee that the Funds investment strategy will be successful. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market, and the fund's holdings and returns may deviate from those of its index. These variations may be greater when markets are volatile or subject to unusual conditions. The Fund is new and has a limited operating history. The Fund has a limited number of financial institutions that are authorized to purchase and redeem shares directly from the Fund; and there may be a limited number of market makers or other liquidity providers in the marketplace.

Foreign and emerging market investing involves currency, political and economic risk. Applying climate, economic, gender, racial, and movement aligned justice domain criteria to the Fund's investment selection process may exclude securities of certain issuers for non-financial reasons and therefore, the Fund may underperform the broader equity market or other funds that do not utilize similar criteria when selecting investments. Adasina is a newly registered investment advisor and has no long-term track record that an investor may judge. Investments made in small and mid-capitalization companies may be more volatile and less liquid due to limited resources or product lines and more sensitive to economic factors. The securities of large-capitalization companies may be relatively mature compared to smaller companies and therefore subject to slower growth during times of economic expansion. Shares of the Fund are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.